the most repulsive, slutty, wannabe bitches to walk the face of this earth. They have no life except trying to piss of the upperclassmen but we know you will never succeed because we cant even bare to look at you. They dye their hair ugly colors, have no boobs, want to be eachother, and fuck like animals because one of them started it and theyre sweet!! woah and one had sex in a sink!!! ugly mother fuckers.
boy: i need ass ill just call one of the freshman girls! maybe they will fuck me in some cool place like a sink!
by theuttertruth May 5, 2005
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a piss ant that is incapable of being beat by asians on test having to do with technology.
that fucking Whiteman beat Yeung by one question this time too
by lord gnish February 7, 2005
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A sample of chocolate candies that come in a varity pack, usually around Valentine's Day.

The adjective would be to us the term to describe a promiscious person.
She's been passed around so much, she's like a Whitman Sampler.
by Momotaro October 3, 2003
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To beg for,Charity case, moocher, to leech or to panhandle, to

bum off of someone, to scrounge or to spongeoff one another
(Justin)" do you have any weed?" (Dino)"no you have to go

Whitman some from the guy down the road!!!"
by Jc3timberlake October 6, 2011
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An amazing school district with an award winning High school. Many AMAZING people live(d) there.
you: Do you know where the drummer from Journey grew up?

me: Yeahh, went to Whitman-Hanson. Many cool people live there!
by dancingqueenxoxo January 20, 2011
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A Whitman's Sampler is a highly specialized sexual move that takes commitment from both partners.

A man grows his pinky fingers nail long > 3cm , he then lays a large cable on their partners chest. He then runs his nail down the center of the turd to create a channel down it. This channel is filled with semen making a "chocolate eclair".

Once the eclair is filled the partner who laid the cable provides his nail (still filled with crap) to the recipient whom then samples the excrement.
“Jenny my new girlfriend says she wants to take the relationship to the next level, I am going to give her a Whitmans Sampler on the weekend to show her my love
by Sir FistAlot August 29, 2014
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Even though 19th century American poet, Walt Whitman seemed to be all about temperance and shit - homeboy was crazy crunk. His poems take the ill minute to read and are full o' mad nonsense. Lookin' back on this playa pimp's life, mad heads think he epitomizes today's actions of: 'gittin' crunk, gittin' ya drink and ya two-step on, gittin'legless, or even gittin' just buzzed".
"Let's get Walt Whitmaned and forget what we did"

by The Notorious L.O.B, February 25, 2008
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