Any lady who wears a piece of non conforming personal protective equipment (such as a bin bag or flannel mask) in a public place.
by Srosro April 22, 2020
A healthier alternative to handshakes and other forms of greetings during times of sickness, involving the striking of the medial sides of the right feet of both participants followed by the successive striking of the lateral sides of the same feet.
Name refers to the source of the coronavirus pandemic, during which the term was conceived.
Name refers to the source of the coronavirus pandemic, during which the term was conceived.
To stay safe during the coronavirus pandemic, Henry and Albert opted to greet each other with the Wuhan Wiggle.
by AGuoGuo March 11, 2020
Lightly pulling away ones mask, inserting ones cheeks and ripping ass. Once ass ripping has commenced the mask is released, sealing it within.
by Phatrick&Hootson December 6, 2020
by bendover91 August 1, 2020
by Lulu1310 February 5, 2020
Everyone is freaking out over the Wuhanic Plague
by Christopher Ray July 20, 2021
by shake800 March 23, 2020