To freak out at someone using hurtful words, insults and harsh words.
Wow, you just beaked her out hardcore.
by primeguurl June 4, 2009
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The act of placing a grapefruit on your penis, then having a duck eat said grapefruit causing sexual stimulation in the process.
Jackie: "Anything short of beaking is vanilla"
by Ecumenical Christianity April 29, 2023
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When people from west-central Canada or the states nag and bully each other they call it beaking.
Let's stop beaking Billy, maybe he'll stop crying.
by Amy April 10, 2005
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A judge or some form of judicial process.
He's up before the beak for being a dodgy geezer.
by Ian Chode April 4, 2003
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1. as a verb to chirp, or make fun of.
2. as a noun
"Nice, shoes bud. Where'd you get them, West 49?"
"Are you beakin' man?"

"Hey buddy, did your mom cut your hair?"
"Haha good beak."
by P. Benz November 15, 2009
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"Bro, got any drugs I can beak?"
by Mr. Chubbly December 31, 2013
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1)Beaks: A word used to describe cocaine.

2)Beaked: A word to describe someone on cocaine or just hyper.
Hey, do you have any beaks?
Dude, your so beaked right now.
by MAYORPLANT August 3, 2011
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