When someone has a small dick and tries to compensate with a massive ego
Man Rico is such an asshole, he has small dick energy
by GusTheGhoul3000 October 1, 2019
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When a man goes out of his way to assert his superiority by trash talking anyone sees as a threat. Typically, everyone is seen as a threat to this weak minded, insecure, pathetic person. One can only draw the conclusion that the insecurity comes from having a teeny tiny dick.

Most likely has no idea that everyone around him sees him as a joke, believes nothing he says, and couldn’t care less about his opinion.
Wow, he really needs to tone down that small dick energy before someone hurts his feelings.

Don’t worry, his attitude has nothing to do with you, it’s his small dick energy.
by Mustsucktobeyou November 27, 2020
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Man with oversized ego and a constant need to harass teenage girls
Andrew brags to teenage girl, Gretha about his 33 cars to compensate for his small penis, also known as small dick energy. Gretha does a mike drop and Andrew gets arrested
by big pussy energy December 30, 2022
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Toxic masculinity caused by fragile narcissistic egos. Usually involves treating people-particularly women, animals or the vulnerable- badly, being selfish, greedy, aggressive, elitist, insensitive, emotionally immature. They like money, guns, showy cars, and making sure others feel they aren't good enough to talk to them. They especially enjoy humiliating people for no reason other than the victim is an easy target and it makes them feel better knowing they matter enough to hurt someone or powerful enough to destroy something. Men with small dick energy tend to destroy things and people all because they are angry and insecure yet convince themselves they are great to compensate.
Richard came across like a real dick with small dick energy, acting like an elitist prick in public but when he was at home alone at night he cried himself to sleep sucking his thumb.
by Shimmering Daydreams January 19, 2023
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Small Dick Energy is cockiness without skill and doing stupid things and calling them or yourself"hard" for validation when they are clearly stupid. This includes posting on Instagram when you aren't even a great athlete but enjoy abusing yourself.
David Goggins has extreme small dick energy. He's always posting on Instagram for validation when everything he does is not "hard" but stupid.
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