Term used to describe the act of spanking the monkey while taking a dump.
I got really bored yesterday, so I did a Jack Shit in the bathroom
by the dirty liberal November 28, 2009
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When you is Jack and you pour hydrofluoric acid down your toilet to fix a clog and shit comes spraying back up in your face giving you acid burns that need medical attention.
Bob didn’t know jack shit could happen until he woke up the next day in the hospital smelling like burnt crap.
by Buttersrules February 5, 2021
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1. jack rabbit feces.

2. something plentiful and omnipresent, yet nonetheless worthless.

3. nothing, or nothingness
(see jack squat)
"This here jack shit ain't worth jack shit."

Incorrect: "He don't know jack shit."
Correct: "He knows jack shit."
by Joe Bone March 11, 2005
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when you are taking a shit and getting a handjob at the same time
what'd you do last night?
Jack shit....
Oh that must've sucked...
No... no sucking... just a handjob
by jackshit March 5, 2008
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A poker hand, especially in Texas Hold 'Em, that includes a jack and an unsuited card under 10.
I'm gonna raise you and go all-in even though I have jack shit. Or, Aw, you're bluffin' me, I bet you have jack shit so I call.
by stinkygordo October 7, 2008
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A term to describe someone who has or will inevetible do something stupid
Man, you are such a jack shit!
by KROD December 14, 2004
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