A wonderful, loving and amazing person, definitely a keeper. 10/10 would recommend
That thing is amazing, but not nearly as good as a raz
by Arcyx April 12, 2019
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a unique expression just like rad
short for razmataz (like the candy)
oh my gawsh todays hangout was so raz
by joannapanties December 28, 2007
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n.- to taunt with the skill and finesse of a duelest unmatched by any other.
;razzed, razzled, razzy, razish,etc.
I tried to do something about my peach fuzz donut dipped midget beard, but I got razzed to no end by my classmates.
by Anonymous February 24, 2003
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To drive a vehicle in a hastily manner
Fuck you raz that commy too much!
by Art Vandalay November 24, 2003
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Me The Coolest Idiot Science Freak Eva.
Wow Look At Raz Sucking Up TO mr.Bailey Again.
by Raz March 26, 2005
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The art of having a mole on ones vagina and naming it after newreaders, such as Trevor Mcdonald.
Pull a raz and name my mole
I need to shave my trev raz
by Jonsonic February 18, 2008
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A particularly gaudy type of lingerie. Usually crotchless and/or sequined.
Not even Ru-Paul would dare wear that raz in public
by Nicholas DuBois June 9, 2003
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