A pimp in training, e.g. one of Snoop Dogg's kids. Not to be confused with wigger.
Pimple: What up my nig?
Pimp: No dawg, it's niggah.

Or something like that.
by Zimmyzimzims January 23, 2008
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1) A zit on the face of the oily variety

2) A smelly guy who likes sitting really close to teenage girls on the bus.
Girl#1: Man, that smelly guy sure likes you!
Girl#2: Well Duh, he is a pimple!
by Smelly Boi March 29, 2006
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Pissing in my pants laughing ecstatically, used for online speak, text messaging, and chat. Akin to the phrases LMAO, ROTFL, LOL, etc.
Tom: Oh man, I tried to fart and I shat myself!

by Bingo Starr March 11, 2009
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A mansion owned by a pimp. Similar to the one in 50-Cent's P.I.M.P. video.
by Reggaetonist October 22, 2004
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Also known as a baby pimp, or a young individual growing up, learning the ways of the pimp.
Gumby, the pimp of all pimps, started out as a pimple, and grew up to become a pimp.
by authOOr June 18, 2006
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The horrific obvious bumps on a person who fails to wash their face.
"ewww what? is that a pimple on her face?"
"eww ur right, nah, im thinking more of a complex game of connect the dots?"
by Ginabean515 February 7, 2009
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That joke was so funny that I was pimpl
by ARSS January 25, 2008
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