ask mike,hehehe I for lorn myself!
by Chase A. September 27, 2003
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Internet slang, meaning Laughing at ridiculous noobs. Use is similair to lol, but used in different situations.
<noob> z0mfg u h4xx0red!!1!
<player> lorn
by Ronald C. Mongler February 13, 2007
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“Pulling a Lorne” is when you do not show up to work for days on end, you continue to get paid your wages, and there are no negative consequences to your actions.
He was pulling a Lorne last week and played video games all day at home.
by Lorne69 January 18, 2008
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Lorne Park Estates as seen on a map...very wealthy area of Mississauga...surrounded by forests/parks/beach....South-west of the QEW right on the lake front bordering Oakville and Oakville's weathliest area "Old Oakville" of the, if not the, richest areas in Canada..houses start at the mid to high hundred thousands and million dollar homes are the norm...home to movie and t.v stars professional athletes, CEOs, business people, etc. etc...very snobby and usually called the Beverly Hills of Canada...Mercedes and other expensive cars are the norm....Bentleys, Ferraris, Aston Martins, Hummers also cruise the streets regularly...home to Lorne Park Secondary School which is full of wannabe thugs or skater/snowboarders.
...drug/alcohol use is rampant....everybody seems to own a cottage preferbly in Muskoka...all the kids go away to university and party their brains out...known for its house parties which take place in million-dollar is a bubble.....and one hell of a fuckin ride
Rob: Lorne Park is such a bubble
Jonn: I know bro, theres nothing to do here but bun doobs and get hammed
Rob: lets go to Whiteoaks and bun a L
Jon: sick, lets go
by Lorne Park Spartans August 31, 2005
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A Bluetooth douche registered sex offender who was featured on the NBC show To Catch a Predator hosted by Chris Hansen who lives in the trailer of failure.
If you ever get down on yourself, just remember you're not Lorne Armstrong.
by July 11, 2023
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A small town in the middle of no where in which you can buy large amounts of WEED and shit, other drugs and smoke dope infront of the school without anyone caring. Everyone knows everyone and you know all the people who sell, buy and do drugs. Thats why West Lorne sucks but the bonus more weed for us. (519)768=(pot)WEST ELGIN BITCHEZ
Chelsey: hey lets go to West Lorne this weekend and get stoned like fuck
Sara: Okay I will just go and get some dope from Joe
chelsey: you are awesome mother fucker I wanna get fucked by Chris tonight
Sara: ;)damn I wanna get laid to just get some shrooms first
by ShenikaxoXORAWR February 28, 2009
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Presenter on Cash in The Attic shown on the BBC. She was once a petite, attractive blonde. Now a rather busty larger woman.
Sake Lorne Spicer has let herself go.
by EmbraRambo November 8, 2011
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