1. A huge bar tab that has been left to over-run out of control, unbeknown to the original owner of the tab.

2. Someone who has over indulged in cocaine, causing them to slur like a paraplegic.

(Influenced by the Badger in the movie "It's All Gone Pete Tong")
"Did you see Ed's face last night? bloody hell he was racked-up like a badger."

"Paul you better get down here, I've just checked the bar tab and its racked-up like a badger."
by 15minsoflame August 15, 2011
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To copulate with a female shortly after meeting her.
"Jason rooted Kylie on their first date - he was like a rat up a drainpipe!"
by dluth February 7, 2007
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Done up/stiched up like a kipper, surely takes it's meaning from the term red herring, which means to mislead or distract from an important issue, in a trickster style.

A Red Herring, in the literal sense, is a particularly strong smelling fish called a Kipper that has turned a red colour following the smoking process traditionally used to preserve it.
Therefore, to be done or stiched up like a kipper, clearly means to be duped or tricked by false information that was there for all to see, (in hindsight).
For example: when someone purchases an item they believe to be far superior to what it turns out to be, based on the persuasion and false information by the seller.

He was done up like a kipper when he bought that car. Meaning the car was a pile of s*** and he was tricked when he payed top dollar for it.
by squeeze163 August 4, 2016
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Busy as hell similar to chewie at HTI
Mike get the plant phone I'm bowed up like a cutworm
by Bowed up like a cutworm November 22, 2017
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When a person/people are covered up almost to their necks in bed...
Hey it's not that cold out -- why are we sleeping here, wrapped up like burritoes?
by Needa Life February 8, 2009
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To be in gross overconsumptioin of alcohol, drugs, or other mind altering substances to the point that one may require the use of crutches to walk.
I got really trashed last night, I was fucked up like polio.
by Cronnick January 27, 2004
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