He is the most wonderful person you can ever meet! He is always happy and funny, rarely ever serious, he only is when he know he has to be, he is very tough and strong, he loves sports, especially football, if you ever meet a Giorgio in your life become his friend and be nice to him, if you do so he will be so kind!
Me: Giorgio’s your boyfriend now!?!?!
BFF: Yup!!!
Both of us: SQUEEEEEEE!!!!-
Giorgio: Hi
Me: I’m gonna leave you two alone~ *locks door behind her*
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Giorgio is an Italian name, which is used to call someone plain, boring or bland. Similar to the English name George, it is a very common name.
Friend 1: "That guy at the part was sooo boring"
Friend 2: "Yeah he was such a GIORGIO"
by RocketMaster69 September 1, 2020
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always turns out to be the unofficial, appointed leader of a group
giorgio gang lord, dictator, hard ass boss at work, mafioso boss, cult leader, ring leader, the chair, head of the ceo, the president
by stokezzz November 8, 2010
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the single most amazing, sexy, handsome, perfect and greatest human being to ever exist. no one is better than Giorgio, if you don’t like Giorgio then go die in a hole, everyone needs Giorgio and Giorgio is the best. he’s also a penguin
person 1: hey who’s your favorite person of all time?
person 2: obviously giorgio
by raccoon loves penguin April 1, 2022
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Better known online as the Aliens Guy, Giorgio A. Tsoukalos is a certified batshit UFO "expert" and Internet meme given too much exposure by the History Channel, who attributes easily explainable feats of ancient architecture to the work of aliens with nothing better to do than travel all the way to Earth just to build pyramids.

Alternatively, a noun used to describe any similarly batshit conspiracy theory.
1. Giorgio Tsoukalos: "I don't think Atlantis sank; I think Atlantis lifted off." (Actual quote.)

2. To claim that the government is slowly poisoning us, controlling the weather with satellites, or made of lizard people is a real Giorgio Tsoukalos.

Giorgio Tsoukalos is the ultimate human shitpost.
by Whom it doesn't concern December 26, 2016
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An Italian musician, and one of the pioneers of EDM music.
My name is Giovanni Giorgio. But, everybody calls me Giorgio."
by NotKringe April 22, 2021
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the roommate who enters your bathroom while you secretly spank the pud and asks if you need a HAND
Matt, did you give Wes the giorgio's caress last night??

Matt, I sure did enjoy your giogio's caress for my afternoon delight.

Matt, I think you need to give John giorgio's caress.
by Wes the roommate April 6, 2006
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