Gay Sensory Perception. The acute ability to sense homosexuality in others.
My GSP is telling me that that guy is gay.
by Anonymous December 6, 2002
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Most commonly known as Garden State Plaza.

Home to most of the 973/201 scene/guido kids of North Jersey.

If you go to exit '15' you will most likely find most of these scenesters/guidos smoking a cigarette, or talking about how they don't want to be there; when they all know they do, since they come back every-week.

If the scenesters/guidos are not at exit '15' you will most likely find them in most of the following places; because they probably got kicked out by one of the asshole security guards:
- 'The stairs'.
- Exit '14'.
- Wendy's.
- The family bathroom.
- Sarku Japan.
- Taco Bell.
- The food court.
- Hot topic.

GSP is notorious for fights that will never really happen & walking in on someone having sex in the family bathroom.

Let's not forget, you can always roll face, or smoke a blunt.

or be cool and smoke hookah.
Kid 1: Are you going to GSP tonight?!
Kid 2: YEAH!!!!!!!! THERE'S SUPPOSED TO BE A FIGHT! and do yah wanna roll?!?!?
Kid 1: Sure man, can i get a boge?
by dasnfldjfjkdsafdfdfsdfsdafsdfd December 22, 2009
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The abbreviation for German Shorthaired Pointer. A GSP is a dogused for huntingspecifically 'pointing'(Seeing, then notifying the shooter with a lifting of any one paw) and retrieving small game.
A: Why is that dog's paw raised and bent?
B: He has probably seen a bird or some shit.

A: What breed of dog is that
B: It's a GSP, if you don't know what that stands for look it up on urban dictionary motherfucker.
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you don't want to go to the GSP or you will get ass raped by a midget named paco and be forced to join his club
by GSP Jake September 15, 2008
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An acronym for "Gym, Sleep, Pussy" (or Party, for PG purposes). Similar to the "Jersey Shore" acronym, "Gym, Tan, Laundry", (apparently) created for Guido's.
"Ay son, you need to get on that GSP, real quick. If you want the ultimate prize, then you need to get motivated with that."
by the situation (bay edition) February 2, 2010
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Great Solar Pussy

a pussy who's temperature is above that of a normal pussy, and/ or normal body temperature, thus creating an environment that makes it almost impossible to become pregnant, and creates an sexual experience more enjoyable than those with women who don't have GSP's

Geof: "So hows the new pussy?"
Steve: "She's great, amazing in fact."
Geof: "GSP great?"
Steve: "hell yea GSp great"
Geof: "what about the ex?'
Steve: 'fuck that, one you go GSP, you never go back"
by samson1457 February 23, 2009
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you don't want to go to the GSP or you will get ass raped by a midget named paco and be forced to join his club
by scott November 4, 2003
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