A really ugly person, generally a woman.
Jesus christ, why is Alexia so frass?!
by Sevvie October 4, 2010
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a frontal ass
also frasstastic of or having a frass
wow your mom has a raging frass
look melanie is rather frasstastic
by md dylan June 20, 2006
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This is a word used by Kasland city guys meaning to get high after mixing diphex and cophex together. Some even add asheesh to it. Especially Kasoa Freetown boys found in top side.
Charlie come close make we frass.

Let me sip some of the mix up !! I want to frass.

I’m going to frass in Freetown so I will call you when I’m back.
by Ghanaian Terms May 25, 2020
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Termite excrement. In the movie "Sideways," the main characters visit a vapid winery called "Frass Canyon."
I found frass in the house... Call the exterminator!
by cranialsodomy March 5, 2005
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short for u just got a fork stuck up ur ass;owned;pwned;burned;served;etc
"Did you see that karl just got totally frassed."
by really big guy July 10, 2005
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Noun - A contraction of the words frozen and ass. A non gender-specific term used to describe the frigidness of one's ass.
"DAMN, it's cold! I've got frass!"
by dnobnayr April 24, 2009
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Any type of grass that looks, smells, or tastes like pure asshole.
I planted a bunch of ass-a-frass grass in my yard to keep the burglars away.
by El Poopstersaurus October 18, 2017
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