Meaning to be annoyed with another person, typically a boyfriend
Christy: I was texting my bf about the girls on baywatch and he was way too into it
Kate: Ugh GIRL you must be soo fenced
by 100000onmyhead February 25, 2019
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Fencing is a sport derived from western swordfighting. In its modern form, it is like a linear, low-impact form of boxing. Electronics are now used to detect hits (or "touches") and the game is more about strategy and skill than strength.

It has three main forms - foil (only hit opponent's torso, all hits made with point), épée (hit anywhere, can only use point) and sabre (hit torso, arms and head using any part of the blade inc. point). Foil and sabre have a system called "right of way" for decided who gets the points. In épée, if you hit, you score a point.

It is "explosive" - meaning most of the actions done will be rapid changes of pace (as opposed to say, "endurance" activities like running marathons or satisfying one's girlfriend).
A: Did you see the Olympic fencing?
B: Some - it's the only one where you can't see how fit the athletes are because they're wearing three layers of kit and metal blocks on their heads.
A: You're not a fencer, are you?
by Dingostoran August 12, 2008
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the awesomest sport in the WORLD which is awesome. it consists of 3 weapons : FOIL EPEE or SABRE! it is just the awesomest sport EVER!!!!
Person 1: I'm going to fencing

Person 2: Lucky, I wish i could be awesome and fence...
by hi hi :) January 31, 2010
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to own or humiliate.
dude kobe just fenced d-wade.

that kid just fenced you
by nlei March 11, 2008
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A sport where if you're a "dry" novice. You will be plagued with terrible, apathetic judges and crazy old directors. Where they say things like "distance parry" and give points to people that hit your foot or your mask!

Go electric as soon as possible!
"Oh man, because I won against him during pools, now he's not even looking while judging! How awesome."
by Tzeentch February 16, 2005
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A sport where damn near everyone appears to be a mincing pansy poofter* but are actually full tilt hetro. If you see a couple of them together, do not ask which of them gets to be the boy, as they will beat the living shit outta you.

*especially foil and eppe fencers. Sabre fencers just laugh, buy another round and point out the foil and eppe fencers playing Judy Garland songs on the jukebox by the bar.
When I asked the foil fag "How much for a BJ?" at the fencing tournament, he jumped ten feet from a standing start and kicked my teeth out.
by rancher dan March 14, 2006
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