In the process of using the highly addictive facebook app 'Farmville'
Manny and Karley are wasting their lives away farmvilleing all day
by KarleyKarma September 15, 2009
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Probably the shittest game known to man.
Farmville is total wank.
by jayvizzle October 19, 2009
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Four major Sororities were founded in Farmville at Longwood University. The sororities are Sigma Sigma Sigma, Alpha Sigma Alpha, Zeta Tau Alpha, and Kappa Delta.
Hello Farmville is like sorority holy land!
by NPC ladies rock November 23, 2010
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1. A surprisingly addictive drug administered by via internet. Many junkies use the term "Farmville" to cover up the real name : nicolanstrateefuckinwasteoftime igottacheckmycropssinceimtoolazytogetalife.

2. A place where lazy turds go and raise virtual animals since real-life animals tends to kick'em in the face.
1. Dude! i gotta go check on my Farmville! Gonna get some crops!"
by WorstCaseSenario April 13, 2010
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A game where you grow virtual crops and raise virtual animals on Facebook. An ok game except for the fact that it has no storyline or plot except for the idea of owning a farm.
I used to play Farmville until I realized it was just another plotless, antisocial Facebook game.
by picklessuck April 30, 2010
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When you get on facebook with a cob of corn up your butt.
Brad: Hey Jake, wanna go play some bball.
Jake: No bro, I'm getting a farmville.
by doodoobrown1995 September 14, 2009
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