Similar to the phraseget fucked”, but even more so.
“Get cunked, you bitch!”
by wefbo February 1, 2021
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A cunk is much like a douche. Cunk's exist in many forms, such as band tryhards to frat bros. Synonyms: Chotch, nob, shilly.
Did you see Chad, that dude is such a cunk! Just like jake man, what a cunk.
by notmyrealname63 November 27, 2019
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A mixture of the words, "cunt" and, "cuck."
"Eva, you're such a fucking cunk, shut the fuck up you fucking gay ass weeb."
by Paradai February 19, 2017
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vaginal excretions
oooooh she is leaking cunk
by jonny13 March 20, 2003
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when you eat too much fiber and your cum is thicc like mayonnaise
nice cunk bro
by honkyhonk December 16, 2021
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A gross smell. Something said after the people who descovered the skunk smelled it’s fart.
Discoverer 1: What is that animal? Is it farting?
Discoverer 2: Daln that stink smells like cunk!
by Cardi bean January 21, 2019
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