noun. In Ukraine, a popular garnish on local dishes which consists of pieces of pig large intestines, deep-fried until crispy and indistinguishable. Usually takes on the colour of whatever else you're eating, resulting in one not noticing them until it's too late.
person one: Are you feeling okay?
person two: I think the cracklings got me again.
by awhiterabbit August 1, 2010
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When a person watches tv shows that make them feel better about themselves
I just watched hoarders and realized my house is cleaner than I thought! Boy I love crackle!
by Rja65 November 10, 2019
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the act of putting pop rocks in a woman's vagina which pop due to the moisture; crackling refers to the popping pop rocks while clam is a common word for vagina
Her boyfriend gave her pop rocks with her birthday present because he wanted to try the crackling clam.
by campbarbie February 11, 2008
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The amalgam of semen, lube and fecal remnants around the anal rim after anal sex.
I couldn’t help but savor the aroma and the sight of her crackling cheese after I withdrew my engorged fuck knob from her posterior.
by Eaton Holgoode February 1, 2018
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The sound a poo makes as it is coming out of the anus (must be well-formed, cannot be diarrhea).
After Thanksgiving dinner, i had a great poo crackle.
by Krayzee Eyez Killah August 27, 2007
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1: A term used to define the sounds made when a person spills rice crispies on their testicles.

2: Often used to describe the appearance of the testicles after being in the bathtub too long.
Billy had a bad case of Crackle Nuts.
by b0nd007 October 17, 2006
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The cloth, towel or sock used to wipe up semen and juices after masturbation or sex. Repeated use creates a wonderful crackling crust.
My mom found my crackle rag and asked a lot of uncomfortable questions.

My uncle slapped me with his crackle rag when he found me looking his porn collection.

This sock has been my crackle rag for years. I refuse to wash away the memories.
by Eaton Holgoode January 27, 2018
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