Total fucking badass. Gets pussy by the boat load. The name is a synonym for pussy destroyer.
Thomas just fucked my girlfriend, mom aunt grandma cousin and friend at the same time.
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thomassssss, he is a really sweet, cute, funny, athletic guy. he is not afraid to be venerable and he never lies. he is a good friend to you no matter what. thomas will always want to be around you and hangout 24/7 but y'all never actually make those plans. he is just a great guy and is so caring and sweet. you dont wanna live a life without thomas
i think thomas is sum else
by therealestbitchofthemall August 15, 2020
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Thomas is a guy will always be by your side no matter what. He is a great listener and the most loyal friend you can ever ask for.He is a hardcore gamer, an athlete, an a comedian. Thomas can also be very annoying sometimes. He is usually not that tall, but don't let that fool you. Ladies if you're friends with a Thomas you better cuff him real quick because he's a keeper. He has pretty teeth with an attractive face to go along with them. Oh and he's named after a very famous train.
Hi Thomas you're such a great guy.
by February 10, 2019
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Thomas is a mother fucking hot ass Music Teacher who I desperately wanna have sex with. Like I’m not even kidding. If you see a Thomas 99% of the time he’s fucking hot as hell you don’t wanna be on his bad side to get that Mendussy. Sadly he has a wife and 2 kids but he touched your fingers when you were learning to play I don’t know my name on the Ukulele, so it counts that he likes you back. He’s also really sarcastic but it’s hot when he’s sarcastic tbh.
1: Omg...our Music Teacher is so hot!
2: Yep. Must be a Thomas.
by koreanweeaboo October 19, 2018
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One is the most smartest people on the earth who will care for you forever. Thomas can be an old fanny sometimes, but if your on his good side you will see how truly amazing he is.

He is good with people, especially the ladies. Thomas is protected by many.
Id do anything to be friends with Thomas, his friends are always saying how loyal he is!
by Dorabrad October 28, 2011
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A white teenager who would make the best boyfriend ever. He is so handsome and smart. Thomas's are great listeners and friends. They are great in bed and have a very large penis. Thomas's have amazing bodies and any girl would be lucky to date him.
1.Oh Thomas just went in the shower.

2.ooh I can't wait to see him naked
by Tortilla burrito November 29, 2012
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very hot malewife in genshin impact. ayato's bf, and he likes animals. did i mention hes hot
Person 1: I got Thoma C6 today!
Person 2: u mean the malewife
by GenshinMenMakeMeCum February 25, 2022
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