The act of getting your threesome card the easiest. Banging a chick that has 2 heads and 1 puss.
“Yo E, do you think it’s considered a threesome if you bang a set of Siamese twins? You know, like a chick with 2 heads and 1 puss!”

“I’m gonna have myself a Siamese 3 way tonight”
by Aquacasa69 September 10, 2023
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When 3 yeehaw people find out they can't get each other pregnant and have an orgy.
"Tyler, Jake, and I bought a bottle of lube and are gonna have a yeehaw 3-way all night long."
by El Walkerama May 23, 2019
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When people engage in a threesome and one wears a cowboy hat, one of them wears cowboy boots and the 3rd one is riding a pony.
Joe - Dude we got wasted last night and 1 had a Texas 3 way with Brandy and Linds
Steve - giddeyup cowboy!
by Elegantredneck April 24, 2019
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When you get so drunk that you puke up, piss yourself and shit in your pants.
"I was so hammered last night I did a three way discharge"
by Dirty Sanchez November 15, 2003
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When 2 guys have sex with one women
Last night me and alex had a devil's 3 way with his mom.
by birdman1741 December 24, 2011
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- when a husband and wife (or couple) sucks up to, flirts with, or fawns over the local auto mechanic to encourage better customer service, favors or discounts

- any effort utilizing gifts, compliments, or flirting by 2 people to encourage an auto mechanic to provide preferential treatment to them and their cars

the phrase is often combined as a hashtag #greasemonkey3way
My '93 Ford Taurus needed a new transmission. Luckily my wife and I gave the mechanic a greasemonkey 3 way and he was willing to stay late and get it done before our trip to Chicago the next day. He rotated the tires for free, too!
by The Poobah October 24, 2013
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The act of 3 Black people have a friendly and meaningful chat in a completely not homosexual way.
Ash: Hey Andy and Kye, Lets totally have a chocolate 3 way!
Andy: Yeah, Im in!
Kye: Sure! it's totally cool and not homo!
by KyoneTheGreat January 21, 2011
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