54 definitions by Dirty Sanchez


A female golfer who is addicted to lesbian sex.
If Rosie golfed, she'd be a Gyke.
by Dirty Sanchez August 2, 2003
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the act of shitting while recieving fellacio
man she sucked me dry while i dropped a loaf!
by Dirty Sanchez June 14, 2003
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The person who took all of your welfare checks from your broke asses
Damn now that Bush is in Office I cant continue to sit on my lazy ass collecting welfare. You bunch of sorry fucks
by Dirty Sanchez July 3, 2003
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Ham Shank

"I was so bored I had a Ham Shank"
by Dirty Sanchez November 15, 2003
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crop duster

Placing your butt over a girl's bush and ripping a nasty, windy fart as to simulate crop dusting.
After we finished having sex I gave that bitch a sweet crop duster.
by Dirty Sanchez January 27, 2003
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When a male takes his hand and grabs his sweaty balls and twirls them around inside his pants creating a creamy fluid and then wipes it all over the space between the upper lip and nose of another person.
That sick ass faggot gave me a testache.
by Dirty Sanchez August 2, 2003
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Anything bad, ugly, retarded, stupid, or whatever. You can use it anyways you want.
by Dirty Sanchez June 5, 2004
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