person what who best ppl??
me the best ppl on earth are coal
and phone
by blurm April 17, 2022
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Right but your creators are making derivatives of my content and Aaron owns the rights to those... So... If your not BUYING them from him... Do you own the rights to make derivatives? Did YOU think that far ahead?
Youtube Lady "I hAvE tHe BeSt LaWyErS tHoUgH!"

Hym "Yeah... BUUUUT! If the rules are on my side... And you aren't the rule changer... It doesn't matter how well you argue against the rules... Because the rules dictate the outcome.... So... Pay Aaron or be conquered!"
by Hym Iam August 31, 2023
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Best friendness is a way of saying I love you in a platonic way and is used for saying “I love you” while you not like liking them
Person 1: I love you in the most best friendness way possible

Person 2: me too *best friend’s name*
by January 24, 2022
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Best friendness is another way to sayplatonic” or “platonically
Person 1: I love you in the most best friendness way possible

Person 2: me too! *best friend’s name*
by January 24, 2022
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a term used to describe k-pop boy group, ateez, member ‘san’.
person 1 : oh my gosh, did you see san’s halazia fancam??
person 2 : of course i did, he truly is the best 4th gen performer, his facial expressions are out of this world!!
person 3 : FOR REAL🤩
by sansfiance February 2, 2023
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BFG stands for Best Friend Gayle
A spin on Oprah's infamous reference to her friend Gayle King. Whenever she mentions Gayle, she doesn't merely say "Gayle" she always says "best-friend-gayle."

Use this phrase to describe any same-sex best friend.

This works especially well when introducing a friend who is ONLY a friend, but often mistaken for a lover.

Can also be shortened to BFG.
Mike is my best-friend-gayle. We've known each other a long time.

People think we're together, but we're not. She's my best-friend-gayle.

You're more than my BFF, you're my BFG!
by gmcqueen June 20, 2017
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