It is when you are relaxing at home and suddenly you have to shit. So instead of shitting in the toilet you run down the street to a neighbors house and you lean against his front door or screen and try to lay a massive shit. To your disappointment the shit was too small and pathetic. It has to be done again. The same thing repeats itself a second time. You have to come back. The next day you go to the bar that is a couple hundred feet down the street from your neighbors house. You order a beer and half way through the beer your cornhole seems like it is going to squirt. So you run into the bathroom get a bunch of toilet paper and return to your neighbors front door where you lean against it, pull down your pants and squirt a whole puddle of diahrea. Then you wipe your butt and leave the toilet paper there. The next day you hide in the bushes to watch your neighbor clean it up.
I'm in the middle of a Poop Prank. Hold on. I'll tell you how it goes.
by Mr. Homophobia June 23, 2023
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A person who takes cruel pranks past acceptable. The worst type 「griefer」 who tries to cause harm or hurt or physically damage you or your property to get a laugh at your expense. Highly detrimental to your health.
Girl: OMG they super glued some guy to the toilet seat. His legs were bleeding!

Guy: What in the hell? What lame excuse for a human being would do such a thing? I hate malicious pranksters. How cruel.
by RCCola115 September 20, 2017
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When you prank someone in that Huckleberry Fin Tom Sawyer kind of way.
I would have had a great time in the country if it wasn't for all of those banjo pranks! Damn squirrels think they're so funny!
by Shenanigan November 21, 2017
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A prank where the unsuspecting victim is shown a photo of an object they are holding/eating being defaced. Comes fron How I Met Your Mother
Person 1: OMFG you did what to my sandwich?!
Person 2: Dude its a stinson photo prank
by Kiillrz July 11, 2012
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This is an issue for Canadians, you look for a good deal and thing you found something that cannot be true super cheap, but when you look at the URL and it is a .com site instead of .ca meaning that the prices are in USD causing them to be abnormally lower than the CAD pricing.
I was looking for a cheap GTX 1080ti graphics card and thought I had a great deal but as soon as I looked at the site URL I got .com Pranked.
by Omar is Daddy November 25, 2018
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when the government uses video and audio devices to talk more about bad things than good things.
The small screen prank had all Americans think it was all right to break the law.
by Coop Dupe November 16, 2019
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Here’s a mean prank idea. If you go to the store, they sell laxative in the form of chocolate. Give it to someone as a gift and they’ll spend their whole day in the bathroom 😂😂😂😂😂
by Melon@tiffany. Kitty December 18, 2019
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