Definition...person who fondles children. ( Sick scumbag) etc....
Old Chester the molester is giving Bob berchtold a run for his money on next level kid toucher....
by BigC77 February 2, 2019
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To put an NSFW image in someone's head when they don't want to think of that image.
Jason: Yo Joe! I heard Jenna fucked her sister!
Joe: Ew! Gross!
Jason: They had a threesome later with Lily!
Joe: Oh my god, please stop! You are mentally molesting me!
by TheRealMilkAndCerealYT September 12, 2020
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16 NEW MESSAGES: Girl anybody ever tell you, you look ike a forty ounce? Ya cuz you lookin good to me.

Girl: Oh my gawd enough with the textual molestation!
by Dave Damon July 3, 2015
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When moles dig into a towel
Damn i have towel molestation in my towels
by Frogbigfartpissyman June 21, 2021
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The one creepy man or monster that lurks in the alleyways of the outskirts of the city who waits undercover until an attractive or ugly woman walks by, then jumps out and snatches their tits.
The tit molester is on the prowl again, many women's tits have gone missing again!
by zombie vagina July 22, 2018
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someone who is attracted to little kids for example "the sign goes that way.To penis sucking child molester!
John:hey smelly nigger get up! The cotton needs to be picked.
Nigger Jamal: where am I

John: nigger it's a part owned by KKK it's penis sucking child molester
by Isuckpussy🍼 August 15, 2023
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A guy who would basically screw anything.
John is a snake molester. He'd fuck a snake if you held it still.
by alljackandnowork June 13, 2011
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