He is a demon who loves power and uses it to deceive and destroy people. Even God knows how sinful and foolish he is. God's wrath has truly been activated.
Girl: Obama is so great TRUMP IS BAD AND HORRIBLE

Me: You know nothing
by ChristianWarriorforlife January 26, 2020
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The 44th president of the US, also serving as the first African-American president of the US. Also a Democrat serving his second term as president. Not to be confused with brock obama
Obama is the first black president guys. That's as objective as I'll get.
by LordDankersLee March 5, 2015
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A man who lead the USA into a pile of dog shit and charged us tax paying citizens hundreds of thousands to get there
by #take back our USA December 3, 2020
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When somethun tight or ballin happens nigga gots ta yell out OBAMA
"Damn nigga that shot kobe made was OBAMA"

"Damn Nigga them shoes is Fressshhhhh. OBAMA"

Fuck you kunho, OBAMA!
by KEoDaKillA November 6, 2008
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Verb. To complete a task or objective successfully without putting in the requisite work.
I just Obamaed that chemistry exam; I didn't study but still got an A!
by Dr. Charmoset December 5, 2009
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a way for smart people to say u voted for Obama because he is black there for your raciest because you treated someone differently because of their race ass
"ohhhhhhh you didn't vote for Obama you racist"
"Wow thats like me calling you sexist for not voting for Hilliary"
Room gasps

p.s that happened Too Me
by Clutzs is kinda clever June 15, 2010
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