Word used by 'commoners' to describe pants/trousers
'Alan what you making all racket for?'
'I'm trying to find some kegs to wear'
by TheDcommander August 10, 2015
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Did you hear kegs was getting married?
by Jane ❤️ November 5, 2021
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A variation of kankles (Calves that become feet without taking an ankle break.) only Kegs are void of ankles or calves, they are simply BIG OL' LEGS attached to the feet.
DAMN............ Dem aint Kankles, Dems KEGS!
by stingraytat2 December 1, 2009
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A word used to describe a people pleaser with no friends. This can also be used for people who have done you dirty and cannot be trusted.
She hooked up with my boyfriend... she’s such a keg!
by chikneesgirl April 5, 2021
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Means being keg or extremely cool in Norwegian.
Bro 1: Yo, I got sucked last night.
Bro 2: Bruh, that's keg!
by Bonzi_buddy September 27, 2022
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The standards of holding a person above a keg for a proper keg stand.

1. Person should be upright face down with support from front and back of their body.
"That guy fell over because there was no keg standary to support him."
by Endestria October 17, 2013
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Bar/restaurant industry euphemism for doing drugs in a walk-in fridge. Specifically but not always: cocaine in the beer keg room.
Another hour until closing, I'm gonna go check the kegs. You may need to double-check after me.
by bushwickbartender June 3, 2023
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