To stick a hot pepper in the urethra of a man, and have anal sex with another person.
Josh got the rough end of a Tijuana Taxi after curbing the $7300 wheels on a 2020 Ford GT500.
by quackles July 29, 2020
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When a fellow Mc Donalds employee gives you a lift home after work.
John: Time you finish?

Jamie: About 11

John: Cool, me too ill give you a lift home in my Mc Taxi
by Cam Burger October 21, 2009
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It is 10^^^3
I have tria-taxis euro
by Robert darcy November 2, 2023
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Means that a person wants no part in the matter
Is this a drug deal!?!? Call me a taxi bye.
by Booby-boy November 5, 2017
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A another name for airline pilots but not offensive.
Hey airline companies how many glorified taxi drivers do you employ.
by Kuehlstein December 3, 2017
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A game played when toking a spliff whereby each person has to take a toke and then hold their breath until the joint gets back to them they then breath out and take another toke adding on a toke each time it gets to you
"Hey Ash lets play loco taxi"
by jonthedopehead September 16, 2006
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When a girl gets in a random guys car and makes out with them.
"Did you hear vivian did taxi cab with will?"
by Skidaddle Skidoodle June 25, 2019
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