When your team member is dead and they try to tell you how to play Gulag
Person1: Bruh he was on your left you could've shot him easily....

Person2: Shut the fuck up you're being a Backseat Gulag
by KhandabarIndia May 4, 2020
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Performing multi sex acts and positions in backseat of small car.
They were doing some serious backseat yoga.
by Yoga Bob January 19, 2023
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The act of preforming oral sex in the back seat of a car multiple times
Omg Tiffany is such a backseat blow torch. She blew Ryan in the backseat of his car like 8 different times.
by Ryan Surevva January 14, 2014
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When you're having sex in a car in the front seat and when the guy gets off he catches it in his hand and throws it in the backseat so no one has to sit in the wet spot.
Yeah I'll give you a ride. Just if you don't mind the backseat cabbage we'll throw a blanket over it or something
by Madam Amanda May 25, 2023
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When you're the person who's sitting in back with another person or persons you don't know too well or just met, and you have to entertain /talk to them. #wishiwasinthepassengerseatcuzthisisawkward
Friend 1: I'm mad at my Mike.
Friend 2: Why?
Friend 1:
Because I had to be the backseat babysitter to that random while ya'll sat in front chillin.
Friend 2: That was Brandon
Friend 1: I don't f******know him tho!
by BitchyGoose June 16, 2019
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A backseat badger is someone who gets frequently banged in the backseat wether it is their own car, their parents’ car, or their hook up’s honda civic
Ryan: yo, I never knew clarissa was such a Backseat Badger.
Todd: Yeah she’s banged in the backseat with the whole football team
by Ronald Ayum June 16, 2023
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A backseat banger is someone who was invited to a threesome but doesnt do anything but sit in a corner to tell the other guy what to do, similar to a backseat driver.
Girl: should we invite Jeff to our house for a threesome?

Guy: no, I've heard that he is such a "backseat banger" ong
by ▪◾⬛◾▪ July 20, 2022
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