The name of Judge Smails's prize golf club in "Caddyshack".

The name Billy Baroo is most commonly associated with the character played by actor Ted Knight in the 1980 comedy film, "Caddyshack". In the movie, Knight’s character, Judge Smails, references Billy Baroo as a golf professional and caddie who can help him win a bet. However, there is no evidence to suggest that Billy Baroo is a real person.

The origins of the name Billy Baroo are unclear. It is possible that the name was invented by the writers of "Caddyshack" as a humorous nod to the many golf professionals with similarly sounding names, such as Billy Casper and Boo Weekley. Despite being a fictional character, Billy Baroo has become a part of golfing culture and is often referenced in pop culture. "Caddyshack" has achieved cult status and remains a beloved film among golf enthusiasts. As a result, the character of Billy Baroo has become something of a mythical figure in golfing lore.

"Caddyshack", the movie that popularized the name Billy Baroo, has had a lasting impact on golf culture. The film’s portrayal of the sport, complete with its quirky characters and absurd scenarios, has resonated with golf enthusiasts for decades. It has even been credited with popularizing golf in the United States in the 1980s.
"This calls for the old Billy Baroo! Oh Billy, Billy, Billy!"
by Kafkaesque Dream August 21, 2023
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The all powerful 5 year old god who loves lollipops and has an accent. Also stop stealing my ideas Noam.
by Cereal Lord November 3, 2023
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A fisherman (usually exclusively a shore fisherman) who keeps every fish he catches, every time. Especially snagged 29 inch walleyes. Usually complains about fancy boats.
“We can’t have any good fishing around here because of all these damn Billy Bobs
by Babbabooie July 25, 2021
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A starting phrase that can be finished in many ways, almost any word actually. Can be used in any context and can mean anything. Some halal mode versions include Billy Bob Joy, Billy Bob gâÿ, Billy Bob World, Billy Bob Sus, Billy Bob Variant, Billy Bob Universe, Billy Bob Defense, Billy Bob Security, Billy Bob Attack, Billy Bob Wise, Billy Bob Serenity, Billy Bob Ultimate, and Billy Bob Bill.
Me: so we still good to hang this weekend?
My cousin: Billy Bob Joy!
by readyplayerone1 February 6, 2022
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1) A Billy Bob is a person who is the modern version of a hillbilly, mostly a "crackhead" or a crazy person who finds small things way to funny, however, in some terms the word can be used to complement someone

2) someone who is the physical version of the Banjo-Kazooie intro theme
non-crazy man: you are such a billy bob you crazy man!

friend 1: you are legit a billy bob
friend 2: I guess I am
by Den Dude February 27, 2022
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Billy Bob is the nickname you give the butt or the kid you're picking on. For example
Junior: hey, where'd Billy Bob go?
Julian: oh, that idjit? he had to go to the ER two hours ago
Junior: y'all got 'em that hard, didn't cha?
by Foxy Like A Badger October 25, 2019
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