A girl who sucks so much dick and swallows so much semen that her stomach basically becomes storage for guys' ejaculate.
Shiit! See that bitch who just dipped? she be a tank. She sucked off like 9 niggas in 8 minutes today.
by Lefty75 April 7, 2009
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See: wordSUV/word.
That wordsoccer mom/word just ran over an old lady with her tank!
by Anonymous November 3, 2003
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To do exceptionally well on something.
Dude I just tanked on the physics test
by Ruchodong June 3, 2018
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A sexy male organism who is Gods perfect creation. People wanna be him. He is funny, talented and a TANK! =D Mostly referred to as Izzy Dee, or Izzy in short.
Izzy Dee is such a Tank.
by KimFooHool September 28, 2011
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da silly neGr0 who pizzeld your a$$.
by TANK May 25, 2003
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The opposite of being pantsed or shanked - instead of pulling one's pants down, it's when someone goes and either pulls up or rips one's shirt off.
I was minding my own business when some guy came up and tanked me!
by toee November 14, 2008
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A same for a big penis,
wow that things huge!! ill call him....tank!
by borgggggg May 27, 2009
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