Putin, Stalin, and Kim Jong Un's leader.
jim: Stalin is a proud worshiper of the soviet pigeon
by myfriendputin December 13, 2017
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Someone who believes what they hear from a provacateur agent and proceeds to ruin any number of person's lives, including teir own, without knowing why.
People who believe professional incantations are Soviet dupes; you should probably look in the mirror before you begin witch-hunting.
by theexorcist January 12, 2010
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When someone has a rectal bleed and has diarrhea. The toilet bowl is tinted a reddish brown.
I’m so sick that I made Soviet coffee all day.
by Not that Steve, the other one January 19, 2023
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When Sir. John A. MacDonald has a secret man love for the rebellious half breed, Louis Riel.
by Cazz's Momma May 5, 2021
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