Gods magical plant. A gift to mankind. God bless!
Person 1: god must really love us man
Person 2: why
Person 1: he invented marijuana, duh?!

person 2: oh shit dawg u right
by thatsexychick11 January 7, 2020
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A person whom often high, disregards the teachings of the world, and philosophizes his own theories about creation, the universe, and other forms of science.
"Dude, this just came to me."

"Whaaat duude?"

"dude. What if the world, was like, an ipod library, and god was just shuffling the galaxies, and like earth was just the in song in the cosmos, and was the top listened to planet on the play list of the universe?"

"woh dude, woh, you Marijuana Philosopher you.
by Mtaylor1057 February 10, 2009
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She aint no regular mama. You cop one of these joints and you are good for life.
"Son, you look high as shit."

"Nah, I was just out with my marijuana mama last night."
by x_naanplug_x October 23, 2020
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Canadian political party who advocates the legalisation of marijuana.
The Marijuana Party is the only party that actually offers us something
by danw17 January 11, 2006
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Something that does not exist, like a ghost. Or something.
- You can not overdose on marijuana, although particularly large doses can yield some unpleasant effects.

- Marijuana overdose? Please.
by CDClock November 1, 2007
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1. Female who remains the most high.
2. Royal Highness of Hemp.
3. Queen of green.
Little Mons chick have you seen her, the Marijuana Primadonna i wouldnt be able to out smoke her.
by maddgirl December 28, 2017
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