When your parents talk to you, but if you try to respond they yell at you for back-talking them.
Mom: That’s it you’re grounded!
You: but I didn’t do anything-
Mom: Don’t back talk me!!
You: It wouldn’t be back talking if you didn’t start forward-talking to me first

Friend 1: dude what happened?
Friend 2: My mom was forward-talking to me yesterday and she smacked me for trying to respond
Friend 1: yikes
by SapphicAsh July 14, 2021
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When your friends spill your deepest darkest secrets.
Bro did you not hear the latest forward secrecy? Billy has la cacita negra!
by poooooooooooop! August 9, 2022
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to be called forward is to hear an inner voice that demands that you take action
At that moment I felt called forward: , I heard that inner voice, and I knew to be true to myself I needed to answer the call and speak up to say out loud exactly was what was on my mind, that wasn't a joke. It wasn't funny - it was from a perspective of ignorance.
by collinka October 30, 2021
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Someone takes something from you, you take something from someone else, and you reap it when the next guy you fucked over when he gets over when he returns the favor, since kindness is considered too easy by some.
Life is full of options, sometimes the asshole it forward option is the best option.
by Solid Mantis February 1, 2020
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To do your best forward facing skills at things
I did so well at work today because I had my best hat forward
by Rygarmurph May 31, 2021
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Is a game that got more potential than other trash mobile fps games back the day. None plays anymore too.
by Aguyplaysfa December 30, 2022
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A pronounced effort to deflect attention from one's self by steering the conversation solidly towards the other. Usually a subtle technique but sometimes used overtly to gain submissive favor.
The salesman, with his forward focus, kept the conversation squarely upon his customer.
by Eroxx October 30, 2017
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