A woman who keeps the company of mainly gay men, and puts their needs above her own and anyone she is currently dating. This type of woman also though will deny it wants to secretly sleep with their GBFF (Gay Best Friend Forever). Also the relationship between her and her "fag" boarders on the creepy almost too close for comfort side.
For more information on Fag Hags see "The Object of My Affection."
by m.r. darcy March 12, 2009
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(n.) One who follows a homosexual guy for lack of own social life or out of extreme love. A hag is an exclusively heterosexual woman, often a young teenage girl, who is attached to her "fag" to the point of making frequent phone calls, excessive texting, nights out in gay bars, clubbing, shopping trips, spa trips, trips abroad, and sometimes even getting a joint mortgage. The hag has the ultimate power to veto dates, grade outfits, disillusion insecurities of her "fag". The relationship between a hag and her "fag" is sacred, characterised by extraordinary protectiveness.

Related: The male best friend of a homosexual guy is known as "fag stag", providing he is heterosexual. The homosexual guy whose social contacts are mainly secure heterosexual guys is known as "stag fag".
Julie is out shopping with Jamie; what a fag hag!
by Sasha Henke February 2, 2006
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A girl in her mid to late twenties who only has male friends that are gay.
Jake: I heard Sophie is moving to Chicago.

Kaitlyn: I heard she was going to live with four guys.

Jake: That gay hag!
by Nice butthole January 20, 2016
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a bunch of evil bitches surrounding a guy in persecution or persuasion ... also used for the jason movie sound chi chi chi agh agh agh push someone towards intent to kill oneself or brain fuck them...
used in colonial times to present
The hag circle surrounded charlie in order to get him to join their cult and be grand master of their vaginas.
Charlie would never give in he will always be a free spirit ninja and fuck who ever he pleases.
by maskerbator August 30, 2011
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Hideous billowing house dress a woman would rather die than be seen wearing in public.
Joan was lounging around the house and spotting the neighborhood snoop about to ring the doorbell ran upstairs to make a quick change from her hag suit to street clothes.
by Montage Jupp March 3, 2014
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A 40's plus female lifetime smoker who coughs all the time, has a raspy voice, and is typically thinning and prematurely wrinkled.
Analogous to a Sea Hag, a tobacco-hag is like a witch.
by million-year-man July 27, 2012
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a new level of being hagged. When you become a shell of a human and are not worthy of the life you currently posess.

Also when you get way too fucked up, and usually black out.
I was tooo hag bagged last night for my own good!
by king slut fuckery January 11, 2008
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