neon. feathers. professional cool guy. leader of funny business. draws stuff. is cool.
"dude have you subbed to neon feathers???"
"no i have not"
"you are so stupid and dumb and ugly god i hate you so so much."
by Zorro is doggo,Yeah CAM May 13, 2021
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Neon Universe is a group of Musicians that make unique music. And they have also made their own genre of music called “idc”. This group is lead by a Artist named “YungeFrfr”
Did you know YungeFrfr is in a group called Neon Universe
by pydro_lion August 2, 2020
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It's a cool anime.

Only issue: it's fucking depressing and confusing. I'm still confused about the ending and I watched it 2 weeks ago.
Person 1: Hey... I just got diagnosed with depression.
Person 2: Oh no! I'm so sorry! What happened?
Person 1: I watched Neon Genesis Evangelion
by Quacks'a'lot December 26, 2022
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When your about to go to bed but decide to masturbate first!
Getting off Facebook, Neon White and Goodnight
by 14DHoff June 8, 2011
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a girl that is very bright,colorful and loud.most importantly,she's a gay men flock to her and she does not go anywhere with her entourage of gay men.
two gay men are talking
guy 1:damn, i hella love julia.
guy 2:yeah, me's because she's a neon barbie.
by love them so:) July 8, 2010
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Ultra-Whitebread. The types of person that makes Mormons say ''he's such a prude''. So lacking in culture and pigmentation that they're basically translucent. Bland. Boring. Basic AF, but thinks they're 'adventurous'.
Man, she said her fuck-game was strong, but that neon vanilla bitch just rocked on the dick like she was scooting up in a chair.
by ₦ᏋᏒ࿋ July 13, 2017
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A right wing protester, originally a group trying to get publicity from the gilets jaunes movement in France but distorting it to their fascist views, wears hi-vis vests hence the name.
James Goddard is a neon-nazi, standing in the road blocking ambulances and shouting racist slogans
by Firescientist June 19, 2020
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