I Toxic 12 Year Old Who Doesn't Know When To Shut The Fuck Up And Is Bad At Fortnite
When A Friend Says Something Dumb You Would Say
'Dont Be A Jared'
by KNX Hacker July 8, 2020
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someone who is a kid all The time no mater his age and suck BBC all the time
"did you see jared he was on a BBC"
by gavin004 May 21, 2019
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he was such a jared to believe jon poh.smarty lololololol hahaha
by jimlimkim October 13, 2011
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the act of messing with or fucking up someone's Myspace/Facebook/etc. profile without their permission. You can jared someone's profile by adding lame interests, changing their default picture to David Hasselhoff, or changing their 'about me' section to reflect a homosexual lifestyle.
Example of jared :

"I'm sick of getting my profile jared-ed every time I forget to sign out!"

"I spent four hours last night jared-ing her profile."
by Larongitis December 7, 2008
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A guy who is usually extremly ugly sucks major dick at soccer and eats butthole for breakfast.
Dude why is that kid being such a jared i dont know look at the white stuff on his face.
by Stuhna September 27, 2010
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(verb) the swift concentrated motion of any elongated object back and forth, in and out of the mouth. While jareding, the person tends to use the hands, with the assistance of saliva, in order to keep a steady pace and safe motion going. Jareding is commonly brought up in gay men, due to their tendencies to suck on each others penis's.
Mr. O'Brien bragged openly: "I jared the best, and I hate leaving messes! I always make sure to finish it off"
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A little man with curly hair and silent farts because his asshole is stretched who loves sucking dick and getting spin roasted by two hair fat men
Woah Jared you had a 3 some with 2 guy and now your farts are silent??? Wow, you’re such a Jared.
by John1199 August 31, 2019
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