Santa : Hohohoho what a nice day it is I'm going on MSN.
He goes on MSN
Santa (on MSN) : lololololol that joke was wicked
He goes on MSN
Santa (on MSN) : lololololol that joke was wicked
by Deejay300 April 13, 2007
laughing out loud with an echo.
LaughingOutLoudOutLoudOutLoudOutLoud lololololol
by shakalil July 16, 2010
An extended version of LOL, used more to give an impression phonetically, than as it's own acronym. Similar to heheheheh and heeheeheehee, just dorkier.
by scarletmay13 May 7, 2018
An extended version of LOL, used more to give an impression phonetically, than as it's own acronym. Similar to heheheheh and heeheeheehee, just dorkier.
by scarletmay13 May 7, 2018
Noob language for continous laughing.
by Dat one Kid June 18, 2008