When multiple dickheads flock into a certain, place, fandom or hobby, transforming it into a clusterfuck of assholery. They will then anally rape it until it is sore, rotten and a genuinely bad place for everyone.
Joe: Did you see what the SJW invasion did to Marvel Comics?
Rex: Yeah. Once they began cluster-flock to it, it was only a matter of time.
by Blarg-chicka-honk-honk March 12, 2018
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Gay orgy with 5 or more people
Hey Kyle, Mason and Jordan are trying to set up a Cock Flock this weekend you want in?
by TheDankMemeLord April 7, 2015
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Flock Rotation is a method employed by an individual to ensure that no friendship group gets bored of their company or behaviour.
Having drained one set of friends, s/he moves to the next, leaving each group enough time to forget just how annoying they are.
Well I've pissed that lot off, time for flock rotation
by Platinumtool April 23, 2019
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Someone who follows people who do stupid or follow orders that other people give them that they wouldn't even Do there self
Getcho flock ass from around me to.
by Dreadbone May 16, 2017
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The action taken place when someone runs up and gets done up.
"Nah bro, Kay really 'flocked' that nigga"
by TMKShrimpy January 7, 2022
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Getting flocked is when someone goes in your garden and places multiple fake flamingos without giving you pior notice or consent. It’s similar to getting fucked because now you have to remove the flamingos and its mess.
Alice: did you see your garden bro?
Rachel: what did you do to me this time bitch?
* Rachel goes check her garden*
Rachel: what the fuck did you do Alice?!
Alice: Sounds like you got flocked.
by Haha Rachel October 20, 2023
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An idea that did not age well based on the strange 80's haircut.
My dad said that computers have come as far as they can possibly go back in 1972. What a flock of seagulls.
by Kahuna77 September 4, 2020
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