The training facility for the U.S. Army Rangers. Also, a comedic promotional video that advertises that facility.
"Pick your pussy off the ground and go to RANGER SCHOOL!"
by RapGodTHoR January 8, 2010
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There’s bare chavs that think they’re bad because they wear scarfs in lesson. One to three fights every week. Everyone there’s fake and no one likes each other but the teachers know how to teach at least. It’s a very segregated school, we have a whole asian corner, blacks mainly chat to the blacks only. The classrooms are ugly but the outside of the school is nice. We have bare windows. A lot of bait people have been to this school and Jorja Smiths brother went here.Lol
Aldridge School is probably the best school in Walsall.
by MadTingRightDerrr December 11, 2019
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Essentially, High School is best described as "it's hell with windows."
High School is the worst time in anyone's life.
by SuperSonicX June 22, 2007
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An all boys prep school on the Upper East Side of Manhattan filled with boys that are smart and good at sports.The Browning School is also a member of the New York Interschool along with Brearley, Chapin, Collegiate, Dalton, Nightingale-Bamford, Spence, and Trinity.Also a huge rival with The Collegiate School.
Where did you go? Collegiate?
No, I went to The Browning School.
Thats a good school.
Yeah I know.
by 557890 April 19, 2009
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A place where you are unwillingly sent to, to be ripped apart by your equals.
The first few weeks are fine but by december you want to go to sleep and see infinite nothingness
Your teachers will give you a crap ton of 3-hour long homework, tell you its not bad, and get mad if you don't do it
Your peers from elementary school all change. Some get mean, some get new friends and ditch you, and some give out all your secrets and talk about you behind your back.
The Average middle school "Relationship" Lasts 2 weeks to a month.
Lunch WOULD be the only good time if teachers didn't stalk you in the lunch room.
You are forced to read boring books like "The Prince and the Pauper" and "The Giver"
Everyone is a jerk.
Drama is in every damn locker.
If you're lucky you become an outcast in middle school and don't have to deal with half of this.
Anon1: Man i wish i was anon
Anon2: Why do you want to be anon
Anon1: hes an outcast he doesnt have to deal with this Middle School drama
Anon2: ;-;
by ThwipGuy April 25, 2013
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a gay ass school full of kids who are all gonna end up crackheads. some of them already are. most of the teachers are gay and lesbian and let's not get started on that one science teacher 👀
guy1 :yo where do you go
guy 2: I go to the alva school hbu
guy1 : oh that's some gay shii
by yeehaw69yeehaw October 19, 2019
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A school bathroom is a bathroom that smells like butter and the piss in the urinal is dark orange.
Jacob: "Dude, I got to shit."
Mason: "Nah bro, the school bathroom smells like butter"
by CertifiedBruhMoment December 22, 2019
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