buying some monsters from your local corner shop in Britain and going to the closest nature reserve to you and shooting pigeons and drinking your monsters whilst chatting about life.
by MattN36 January 16, 2022
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Any man or woman that wears denim jeans, denim shirt, and a usually a Levi’s denim jacket is a denim monster.
Often seen with a LoneStar beer at a rodeo- usually a spectator not a participant.
“We’re you at the PBR rodeo finals the other day?
There was a while section of denim monsters over by the beer garden.”
by Greenhans33 June 6, 2022
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Any man or woman that dresses head to toe in denim (often in multiple layers).
Did you go to the rodeo at the fairgrounds the other day?

There were Denim Monsters everywhere.
by Greenhans33 June 11, 2022
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I was unable to behave normally and think straight velvet monster around her having after sex with after once. She had caught me with her velvet monster.
by Chico tmaki August 23, 2023
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American beverage made by putting methamphetamine in a Monster energy drink, giving the drink a pop rocks texture and a heavier buzz.
"Craig– you absolutely have to quit meth. You're gonna die!"

"It's just a Monster with ice, man. I need it to wake up in the morning."

"I know what a monster on the rocks is. You need Jesus"
by ItsCreegMan January 17, 2023
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When you go for a poo and you look in the toilet and it's gone.. You've been plagued by the toalie monster
Dude the toalie monster stole my shit!!
by Samboooooo July 12, 2014
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literally King Ghidorah lol or triple headed yellow electricity dragon thing
p1: is that monster 0

p2: no it's King Ghidorah

p3: you mean triple headed yellow electricity dragon thing
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