Giuliani hair dye that's actually runny Kmart shoe polish
Rudy Giuliani stepped to the lectern to illegally sabotage America's electoral process and began to sweat profusely. the next moment the Rudy Burns began forming on his diseased cheeks, looking like shoe-polish sideburns and helping create forever Internet memes.
by Uncle Joosie November 20, 2020
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A term that a very well-to-do New Zealand gentleman says as he struts about Sydney, Australia trying to impress hot English females only to be told that "it's killed the mood".

The term 'Rudie Bum' implies that two people, generally of the opposite sex, get together and thrust hips with one another thus causing, what some would say, a pleasing feeling shared between two people.
"After we have finished this delicious scone darling, shall we have rudie bums"?

"Bert!! Can you smell that? I think the neighbours are having rudie bums"!

Mum: "Doug, have you seen trudy"?
Dad: "Yeah I think she's with Kevin having rudie bums"
by SomeDudeWithoutARangie December 17, 2013
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He has a tiny penis that’s so small that he pisses all over his balls.
Don’t pull a Rudi and piss all over your balls!
by Chobby November 22, 2021
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This can be a girl or a guy. Rudi is someone who genuinely cares about other people. This makes them very attractive and someone to hold on to. Rudi can make anyone laugh, smile, or lift up their mood. Usually is very good looking and sweet.
Damn Rudi is so sweet and cute!
And has a huge head
(person 1):Hey Rudi
(Rudi): Hey
by I is gay January 31, 2020
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Rudi is a shaggy-haired person with blonde hair, hazel eyes, and a dog named Red. He dislikes snuggles.
"Rudi, with his shaggy blonde hair and hazel eyes, prefers playing fetch with his dog Red rather than snuggling."
by Tinkleinmybum October 6, 2023
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Heeft een tyfus grote hekel aan gsms
hij loopt niet rond met een kalasjnikov (niet geverifieerd)

job: videos downloaden en uploaden op toledo
loon: te weinig
Andre, leg je gsm weg voordat er een rudi komt!
by UncleRonald March 20, 2023
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A guy with a massive cock. Rudi is also amazing in every way possible, and gets all the girls. If you spend your Saturday night with Rudi, you will be temporarily paralysed the next day
“Why are you in a wheelchair?”
“Me and Rudi had fun last night and now I can’t walk!”
by Willy Boly’s third leg November 29, 2021
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