Untapped involuntary asskickery potential which can only be accessed after walking through a spider web. Usually accompanied by a girly scream and kung fu hands.

Highly amusing to watch from a distance.
P1: "Maaaan, what was that shit ?"

P2: "Ergh. Spider web."

P1: "Oh. Hahahaha... Instant Ninja"
by Iron_tech April 22, 2012
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The effect Laur and Mand have on various, sundry people.
Oh my. Check that out. The effect we have is... astounding.
by sweetiethatsadog March 18, 2005
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it's a show by James Charles, and i love it! it is a make up show and you can learn about it, and its like an reality show. and Ashley Strong wins s01. and there are coming drags and things you know. and it is a youtubeorginal so you can easy watch it.
someone: he you watch Instant Influencer on youtube.
the other: yaeh ofc
the one on the background: omg what is that a show
someone: yeah! it is by James Charles!!
the one one the background: omg i love James so much i definitely gonna watch it!!!!!!!!!!
by just a mf person June 6, 2020
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noun - something that is so amazing it makes you want to jizz pants, can be virtually anything

verb - intant "o"ed - the act of something being so amazing that you basically cream your panties
1. noun - Kyle's homemade macaroni and cheese was so delicious that Heather considered it an instant "o" and nearly moaned as she ate.

2. verb - When I watched New Moon and Taylor Lautner appeared on the screen shirtless, I instant "o"ed.
by pandarex November 25, 2009
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A nickname for laxative products, especially Ex-Lax or citrate of magnesia.
Somebody made these chocolate chip cookies with Ex-Lax. The result, after eating some, is instant diarrhea.
by GenuineNerd2 July 6, 2021
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Damnit you lazy Asian make some real rice you retard.
Or, An Asian that ejaculates too early.
How dare you make instant rice for me you shall be shamed you jackass. Dick face instant rice loser I wasn't ready.
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A vile, ungodly creation with no equal. The ultimate torture weapon of suburban mother's who don't like to peel potatoes or work late. A plague upon suburbia that leaves only hungry children and carnage in it's wake. A "food" dish from hell itself which can both lacerate the inside of your mouth with water-resistant flakes and also dribble out your mouth as you choke on it and beg for the gentle release of death. Generally, they're pretty terrible. Can be used to great effect in soups if you're allergic to flour though.
"Sweetie, I made instant mashed potatoes to go with dinner."
"Fuck you. I'm going out for Thai food. Eat that crap yourself."
by AC1919 December 30, 2016
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