Refers to smoking refer. Derived from a term it rhymes with, 'sneak a toke' which is to smoke weed from a small metal pipe that looks like a cigarette (sneaky). Term created to be used inconspicuously or in public.
Teacher: Why are you late?
Student: I had to soak the toad.
Teacher: Um...Go sit down.
Student: (sits down) hehe arrrrrrrrrrright!
by m4st3r g1bs January 20, 2011
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Bend the rules to get what you want in life with out the act of sin.
"Adam would soak the mormon by pretending to be ill before school"
by morman123Secretsexerx February 4, 2022
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Like "sleep on it" but for less than a day.
Ankar said, let's soak on it.
by adhillonwedding September 26, 2017
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A really nice person. Someone who thinks kindness isn't enough and tries to pay your mortgage by selling their car.
Damn man, I didn't even ask him to buy me a PS5. That dude is a sweat soaked mattress.
by Triptow November 22, 2020
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The Mormon with Erectile Disfunction asked his girlfriend if she was up for a soft soak.
by DJock18 November 19, 2020
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