A boy who has dirty blonde hair and plays soccer and is staright and like any girl name Valeria
Marcos likes Valeria
by noka:)smileylolmamamamamama December 7, 2010
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marco, meaning being a fuck-up who fails first grade all the time. Over reacts to laughter and defends bitches such as people named anthony, because he loves their cock.
Marcos sucked anthony's cock in first grade, because he failed.
by nothin but the truth January 22, 2010
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a guy who thinks heś cool
Marcos:2+2 is 4 -1 is 3
sam:???? i should reconsider being ur friend
by pam the ham June 14, 2018
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Marcoing means to be achiveing goals (in video games) yet not be there making them. the short for marcoing is Macr
player: hey, do u train in this stop alot?
marcoer: ... (means nothing)
player: umm, are you there?
marcoer: ...
(*puff* random event comes up)
marcoing-er: ...
player: you should use the event or else
marcoer: ...
(random event goes evil & marcoer doesn't die like its a halgram in rl )
by Flying_Tomato November 21, 2006
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A kind hearted guy. He always knows how to make someone smile and laugh. He is serious and knows how to defend himself when necessary. He can always make your day, even if it's with a birthday song. ;)
I would love to have a Marcos as a best friend
by Aidin Carter February 17, 2017
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He is really cool and handsome he is smart and will help any one in need he has a big part and willing he is also a gentleman you can have fun with him any day and he will give you a shoulder to cry on
Person#1omg he is really cute

Person#2 ya Marcos is really cool
by The school December 6, 2018
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A guy who has a very small penis.

Scientifically proven that 32% of the micropenis community is named Marcos.
Jerry: "Hey, I heard that dude Marcos has a fucking tiny pecker."

Christina: "Yeah, I would never ride that pencil of a penis."
by HitlerDidNothingWr0ng October 19, 2018
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