A boss in the popular gameCuphead’. It is one of the hardest bosses. It is a green dragon that sprouts three heads in the final phase.
‘ I still can’t pass Grim Matchstick! Its so hard!’
by A Random Poppy May 25, 2022
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1. Some device, mechanical or otherwise that is so nigger rigged, that the device is either non function or requires constant fixing, yet somehow works.

2. A relationship that is only going to last long enough for the semester. Mostly used in high school or college.

3. Worse than nigger rigged.
Tommy: How in the world is your computer still working?
Jim: I Grim rigged it.
Tommy: How?
Jim: I've got the power cord from the old desktop going from the wall to the strip and the power strip apart to use prongs into a usb back to the original power cord. That other wire you see there is the screen, it projects into this little lazer thingy from my tv remote and that goes into the tv. Then i've got the keyboard from your old computer here. I've still got the original mouse, but it's duct taped together.
by Eg Grimace July 31, 2010
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A thing that is grim, aka bum hole reconstruction.
"I had to have my bum hole reconstructed!" "Ahh man, that's grim tings"
by HLtings January 9, 2020
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The Grim Rupear is a discord profile made by our holy god. He plays the saxophone and is pretty good at it. He also found out mrdoom12321 is a pedophile.
The Grim Rupear is playing the saxophone again.
by Imperial Soldier March 6, 2019
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That crackhead around the corner of your street who is also a pedophile
Be careful for the Grim Peeper when your walking home
by Swiped March 21, 2019
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