To have a meeting or verbal exchange with a friend or acquaintance about things getting one down or new information
My coworker Jimmy and I spent all day having a bulldog session at work yesterday
by SoundSpllicer April 5, 2020
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“I just had some right jolly bulldog style with the queen, I did!”
by Bleeding_Jester November 5, 2020
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To hold puke in your mouth while shaking your head back and forth violently until puke slides out of your closed mouth
Andrew was so trashed last night he started bulldogging, Spraying puke all over the livingroom
by Big Suge White October 3, 2019
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When a woman has an over-abundance of 'junk in the trunk', so her ass looks like 2 bulldogs in a burlap bag, fightin' eachother to see which one can get out faster.
by SuburbanNary November 10, 2020
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If you don't know where the client ends and the publicist begins, you're a Bulldog Publicist. Sniffing the client's derriere to bolster their pathetic brands and pick out extended contract lengths is the sure sign of a Bulldog Publicist. Beware of their phony accents, dyed hair and dazzling smile as they will attempt to pour honey in your ear while dry-humping your wallet.
Bulldog Publicist: I hired a PR company to promote a brand I thought would do well in the marketplace. After pumping my ego and licking my bank account dry they dismounted my ideas and left me panting but without real direction.
by Shaka Zulu 2U June 27, 2013
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Alcoholic drink made by mixing Ensure and vodka.
We visited my Grandpa yesterday at the nursing home and he was hammered off Colorado Bulldogs.
by s-dawg7 October 13, 2010
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When you moon someone and your testicles hang down.
John was accidentally bulldoging when he only ment to moon his mom.
by Knwoledge master November 26, 2017
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