3 definitions by BigBoi0608

A small book that you are forced to carry with you abroad and are forced to renew every 5-10 years. For some countries you are forced to get a stupid document called a visa just to enter.
Dude 1: Hey man, we’re gonna leave for Algeria in a week.

Dude 2: I don’t think I can go bro.

Dude 1: Why?
Dude 2: I need to renew my fucking passport and apply for a stupid visa
by BigBoi0608 May 20, 2020
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A dog breed from Great Britain which is a stubborn, lazy little shit.
Friend 1: Yo, my new British bulldog puppy is a lazy little shit, he weighs half as much as me!

Friend 2: Nonsense, all dogs are playful.

Friend 1 shows Friend 2 a picture of dog sleeping on the couch

Friend 2: Damn that dog’s soo fat broo!!!!
by BigBoi0608 May 2, 2020
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An annoying religious bitch who believes that Christianity is the answer to all of the world’s questions. Drives a luxury SUV to show other middle class families that she is better than them. Doesn’t let her kids play video games that aren’t rated E or watch movies that aren’t PG.
Guy 1: Man GTA V Online is soo fun bro!!
Guy 2: I know right! It’s a good way to release your anger and to build a multi million dollar criminal enterprise!

Soccer Mom: Hey GTA V is too violent! Go play Mario Party you fucking terrorists.

Guy 1: Lol, typical Soccer mom!
Guy 2: Agreed!
by BigBoi0608 June 12, 2020
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