A prepositional phrase used to emphasize any number of statements. It is used as any other prepositional phrase, such as "i tickled him to death."
in this case being something like, "i tickled him to shit."

It's usage pertains to the complete and total condition of something, be it an event or an object.

I am completely afraid = dude, i'm scared TO SHIT.

My computer is completely broken = my computer short circuited TO SHIT!
Johnny: "Dude!! Be careful with my guitar!! Don't raise it up in the air like that!!"
Eric: "What? Why not?"
Eric subsequently raises the guitar in the air, the guitar hits the ceiling fan, and everything is BROKEN TO SHIT.
by syntheno October 8, 2009
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Usually when you have no way to complete a sentence. Also when you have no idea what you are doing, so you say something stupid and add 'and shit' to the end.
LadyArevalo: noooooo hes gonna make me lift weights and shit
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1. The elimination of fecal waste through one's anus.

2. The art of expelling feces from one's anus in a manner that exceeds the definition of "pooping" or "crapping".

3. The act of making incredulous, sometimes unbelievable statements.
1. I was just in the bathroom shitting.

2. Oh God how I love shitting!

3. No fucking way, you're shitting me!
by EricTheRed November 14, 2004
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The brown turd that comes out of the rear end of your body
Dude1: Man, I feel like shit
Dude2: You feel like poop?
Dude1: What? No you idiot I just feel bad
Dude2: *shoots* I never liked poop anyways
by urbandictionaryiscursedl November 23, 2022
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a quick and witty come back to some who states the obvious
woman behind a burger van: do you want a cheese burger? its the same as a normal burger but with cheese on

guy picking his food: no shit
by metalrob1 November 28, 2009
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A new-wave phrase used to say something is utterly shitty. Was first defined by Mother Russia's beloved sun.

Usually is used in the company of English speaking friends, who then start to make fun of you.
- Hey, how is the weather outside?
- Oh, it's such a shit!
by bakenbard August 24, 2014
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