A person who is stupid and doesn't know when to shut up.
Bill: I'm just going to go pick this flower.
Don: No bill we have to go pick up my mom.
Bill: But it's so pretty

Don: No you dipshit lets go!
by |_OLIVA_| May 21, 2016
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A dipshit is a totally useless person with no excuse for their uselessness. Dipshittery is not tied to socioeconomic factors, physical or mental impairment, current life situation, or past experiences. It is an inherent character trait that manifests due to how the afflicted uniquely perceive things, prioritize their values, and incompetently interpret, respond to, and analyze events occurring around them. Unfortunately, there are no known treatments or cures. Being a dipshit is a lifelong ailment.
Hey, you know Todd. I heard he spent the day renaming all the files on his computer at work so they would be more organized; then he dropped his girlfriend off at Jim's house so he could go to the pound and adopt 3 kittens. What a fucking dipshit.
by j s August 16, 2022
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He’s such a dipshit he totally TedCruzed everything he said and did and never got anything done
by Pat 1 Kanobe June 22, 2021
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