Have you seen the Video of Ushanka Kid? When he said Stalin would be better than Trump he was a real Tanky
by Comradekennedy March 11, 2019
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A type of communist who generally supports the Soviet Union and Stalin. Often includes support for North Korea and Maoist China as well.

In 1956, Hungary tried to leave the Soviet orbit to start its own fully independent communist state. The Marxist world was split on whether Stalin should allow this to happen, or whether he should "send in the tanks." Those who supported the latter were dubbed Tankies.

Tankies are contrasted with the modern descendants of Eurocommunism, which rejects Leninism/Stalinism in favor of a more soft-handed, humanitarian, pluralistic approach.
This tanky believes North Korea is actually a wonderful place, and that the rest of the world must be lying.
by Karwash July 1, 2022
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n. A nasty cooter. A song was made about it.
I work my tanky for you, I put it down for you.
by JoshBob January 13, 2003
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A girl who is large and literally built like a tank.
The prostitute that the cops dragged out of that car was pretty tanky.
by anoceanofagirl April 3, 2007
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a tank top with a bra built in it
by s May 27, 2003
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1) A smelly, rotten cooter
2) A terrible lyrisized song by Lori from Real World BTNY
1) Man, that tanky stank when she put it on my face. It had a green texture too.
2) "I work my tanky for you, I lay it down for you."
by RockyJosh January 29, 2003
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guy 1: "wanna go to that club tonight?"
guy 2: "no I heard that place was tanky."
by rachaelandemma April 8, 2012
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