In 1869, Pokrovskoye, Russia, a man named Grigori Rasputin was born.
He lived a great life, having sex with royalty and other people (some say over 100'000 women had sex with him) and is now known in the song - Rasputin - as "Russia's Greatest Love Machine"
If someone is described as being "Russia's Greatest Love Machine" they are a player and should be worshipped by their friends and family.
Person 1: "You know Alex?"
Person 2: "Yeah..."
Person 1: "He had sex with Lucy and Bridget last night"
Person 2: "Whoa, he's almost like Russia's Greatest Love Machine
by BigYearSevenBoi February 1, 2019
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Masturbating; just with an exotic name that makes you sound like a dick.
Flab: Hey, where's Jiggy?

Cheese: Probably hang gliding over Russia.

Flab: Good call, you douchebag.
by FlabCaptain February 24, 2010
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It is time to advance the new world order. Let’s destroy all other opponents. Can’t wait
Russia should be taken down
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Nanci Pelosi seemed to think out loud "All Roads Lead to Russia". But those following the money found roads going everywhere.
by mlhiss October 17, 2019
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An intentional mispronounciation of iForward Russia!.

It originated from the trend of purposefully mispronouncing the pretentious names of shitty emo, NME and scene bands - in order to piss of their fans.

See also Panic Exclamation Mark At The Disco and Guile-Mots.
shit man I read the NME today and it said that iforward russia exclamation mark are the greatest band evar (apart from the Libertines of course yeah LOL!) so I better go buy their album now....innit
by morgangills May 12, 2006
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