A "Face Humper" is someone of low self esteem that only gets gratification from liking everything that someone else puts up on Facebook, usually extremely needy and annoying to boot.

Other forms of face humping include posting randomly shit comments on everyone's status's that to be quite frank should join the famous quote "if you haven't got anything good to say, don't say it"

These Face Humping low lives often like to get involved in others people shit without having anything to do with it often sparking arguments between people just to fulfil some part of their ultimately needy persona, in a way to feel in the crowd when they are so far outside the crowd they cant even realise that they have no life outside of Facebook.
A Face Humper would be that annoying person you cant even remember adding who likes and comments on everything you every put up on Facebook.
by ILiketurtles69er March 14, 2011
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1) someone who humps hoes in the backseat of his el camino
dude, that guy, he's such a ho humper, i saw her and jennifer in his el camino and they didn't get out for another 15 minutes
by Jimmy Metzger June 13, 2003
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When your so horny you fuck the shit out of a grill
Sadie gave me blue balls so I became a nut buster grill humper
by Jesse Hasty July 9, 2021
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Someone who rolls a cigar out of foreskin and smokes it while humping, or giving anal, to a donkey.
That guy that pulled out in front of me without putting on his blinker was a Dick Smoking Donkey Humper.
by Sharklordmofos August 28, 2016
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Someone who fornicates with purple flying monkeys. That have orginated from a very bad acid trip.
Dude, I thought I was humping the fuck out of a purple flying monkey last night.

Purple Flying Monkey Humper
by jacksalot July 12, 2009
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Humpin everything and everyone in site the humper thumper
This dang dog is humpin everything get him off my leg dang nasty humper
by SlimShady82 November 11, 2021
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when some one jacks off whit there own semen
DUDE! jack is such a cum humper
by 4lph4 May 20, 2015
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